3 color lace shawl

This great shawl is easy to make and you will love to wear it. The shawl is made with fine yarn “It’s a wrap”, 50% acrylic, and 50% cotton. The pattern is easy to follow and even the yarn is very thin, it is growing fast.

Stitch key: ch – chain,  sc – single crochet, slst -slip stitch, tr – treble crochet, yo – yarn over

Special stitch –  treble crochet – yo twice, insert the hook in the stitch, yo, pull through the stitch yo, pull through 2 loops, yo, pull through 2 loops, yo pull through 2 loops

Materials – Red heart, ” It’s a wrap”, fine yarn, 2,75 mm crochet hook, yarn needle, scissors.

Instruction: starting chain of 135 chains.

R1 – insert hook in the second ch from the hook, sc. Sc in each ch = 134 sc.

R2 – ch4, skip 1 ch, *tr in next 3 st, ch 3, tr in next st, skip 2 ch* repeat, skip 1 ch, tr

R3 – ch4, 3 tr in the chain 3 space, ch3, 1 tr in the same space, *skip 4 st, 3 tr in the chain 3 space, ch 3 1 tr in the same space, * repeat to the end of the row.

R4 – repeat the pattern from row 3 until you reach desire length of your shawl.

Finishing–  sc in each st in the last row, 2 sc in the ch 3 space.