Crochet Chunky Heart Hat


Bernat Premium Yarn

Hook size 4,5 and 5

Needle large tapestry


Measure tape

Adult size


Ch – chain

Sc – single crochet

Bp – back post

Dc – double crochet

Blo – back loopParagraph

Hdc – half double crochet

Yo – yarn

Special stitches – Puff V stitch

Brim ( hook 4,5)

Row 1. Chain 7,sc in second chain 6 sc, ch1 turn

Row 2. sc in the back loop only – 6sc

Repeat row 2 until you have 63 rows. With sl stitches joint both ends together.

Flip the brim, we will be working on the right side.

Top of the hat. (hook 5)

Round 1 : Dc 63 around

Round 2 – ch 3 ( first dc) 3x back post dc, skip 1 chain, puff V stitch, skip 1 ch, 4x back post dc – repeat to the end of the round.

Round 3. – ch3 , 3x back post dc, in the 1 ch space in puff V stitch from previous row make puff V stitch, 4x back post dc – repeat to the end of the round.

Round 4-9 ; repeat round 3

Round 11 – decrease. Chain 3 ( first dc), 2 dc back post together, 1 dc, puff V stitch, i dc back post, 2 dc back post together, 1 dc back post – repeat to the end of the round.

Round 12. – Ch 3 ( 1 dc), 2x dc back post, puff V stitch, 3x dc back post , puff V stitch – repeat to the end of the round.

Round 13. decrease – ch3, 2 dc back post together, puff V stitch, 1 dc back post, 2 dc back post together, puff V stitch, repeat to the end.

Round 14. – ch3, dc back post, puff V stitch, 2 dc back post, puff V stitch, repeat to the end.

Round 15. – ch3, 1 dc back post, puff V stitch, 2 dc back post together, puff V stitch, repeat to the end of the round.

Round 16. – decrease, ch1, sc, 2 sc together, sc, 2sc together repeat.

Round 17. – decrease, 2 sc together, 2 sc together, repeat

All the remaining stitches pull together to close the round.

Add the pom – pom. Now you have a new heart hat.