Crochet granny poncho for girls

This poncho for girls is so beautiful and easy to make. You can change the size multiplying by 8 chains.

I used Mandala yarn “Unicorn cloud” and 5 mm crochet hook.

22 st x 30 r = 4″x 4″

ch – chain

slst – slip stitch

dc – double crochet

hdc – half double crochet

We are going to start with chain 80 and slip stitch to join , then hdc across -80 stitches. 

For the row 2 – chain 3 , this is our first dc, make 2 more dc in the same stitch, chain 2, 3 dc in the same stitch, this makes our first corner, skip 3 chains, 3 dc in one stitch,ch 1, skip 3 stitches, 3 dc in one stitch , ch 1, skip 3 stitches, 3 dc in 4 th, ch 1, continue until you have 9 dc clusters, make another corner – 3 dc, 2 ch, 3 dc – skip 3 ch, 3 dc in same stitch, skip 3 ch, 3 dc in same stitch- continue until you reach another corner, then slip stitch to finish the round.

Row 3 – Ch 3 ( this is our first dc) 1 more chain ( space between two clusters)skip the cluster from the previous row and 3 dc, 2 ch, 3 dc in the corner space, ch 1, skip the cluster, 3 dc in the space, ch 1, – continue until you reach the corner – 3 dc, 2 ch, 3dc – in the same space, ch 1, skip the dc cluster, 3 dc in the space, ch 1, continue until the end of the row. In the last space make 2 dc, slip stitch to the 3 chain on the first dc. we put ch 1 between two 3 dc clusters.

this way we continue until we reach 23 granny rows. Wave the ends and put the fringe.

Now you have beautiful poncho for your little one. Happy crocheting!