Crochet Heart Slouchy Beanie Pattern

Make some nice and cozy heart hat, slouchy beanie.


Snuggly Wuggly in gray and pink.

(446 YDS/ 141g)

3 mm and 4 mm hook

Gauge: 4 mm hook, 22 st, 30 r = 4″x 4″


CH – chain

SC – single crochet

DC – double crochet

HDC – half double crochet

CLST – cluster stitch

YO – yarn over

Slst – slip stitch

DCBL – double crochet back loop

Special stitches:     Cluster stitch

YO insert hook in the chain on the previous row, pull through, YO pull through 2 loops on hook, YO insert hook in the same chain, YO pull through 2 loops on hook( make it 3 times), YO pull all 5 loops on hook, ch1.

Cluster V  stitch (cluster heart):

Make cluster stitch, chain 3, make another cluster stitch in the same chain stitch chain 1.

BRIM: ( use smaller hook #3)

Chain 11

1. row: Sc in 2nd Ch from the hook and in each chain Sc across – 10 Sc.

2. row: chain 1 Sc back loop only in each stitch across –  10 Sc.

3.-78 – repeat row 2 until you reach 78 rows, then with a slip stitch join together.

CAP: ( work with hook #4)

1.round:  ch1, sc evenly around, with Sls close the round. 

2. round: ch 2( count as  first DC) 77 Dc back loop across ( 78 together), with Sls close the round 

3. round: ch 1, 77 Sc across ( 78 St)

4. round:  change the color, Ch 2, YO insert hook in the same stitch, Yo pull through 2 loops, Yo, insert hook in the same stitch, Yo pull through 2 loops, Yo pull through all 5 loops on the hook( first cluster stitch), Ch3, make another cluster stitch in the same chain stitch, Ch1, skip 5 stitches, insert hook on the 6th stitch and make cluster V stitch ( cluster stitch, Ch 3, cluster stitch in the same chain, chain 1) – repeat this across – you will get 12 heart V stitches. Finish the round with the Sls.

5. round:  Ch 3, Sc in the chain between the 2 clusters, Ch 2, 3 Hdc in the round with Sc stitches, Ch 2, Sc in the chain between 2 clusters, Ch 2, 3 Hdc- continue across the round. Close this round with the slip stitch.

6. round:  Ch 2, 77 Dc across – 3 Dc in the 3 Hdc, 1 Dc in chain 2 space, 1 Dc in Sc and 1 Dc in chain 2 space, all across, close the round with the Sls. ( 78)

7. round:  chain 1, sc 78 across, close the round with Sls.

8. round:  Repeat the round 4, 5, 6, 7 3 more times.

20. round:  decrease, Ch 2, 4 Dc, 2 Dc together, 5 Dc, 2 Dc together.

21.round:  Sc across.

22.round:  decrease – 1sc, 2 sc together, repeat to finish the round

23. round:  Sc across

24. round:  2 sc together, 2 sc together across.

25. round:  all the remaining stitches pull together.

Add pom-pom. Now you finished your heart beanie.

Happy crocheting!