Crochet spiral hat with pom-pom

Make yourself pretty warm hat with pom-pom!

The pattern is easy and the hat can be finished in an hour or so.

Materials:  bulky yarn #5, crochet hook # 6mm and 6,5mm, yarn needle, scissors, pom-pom

Stitches used: mr – magic ring, slst – slip stitch, dc – double crochet, sc – single crochet, ch – chain, st – stitch, FpDc – front post double crochet, BpDc – back post double crochet,  sk – skip


The hat is crocheted from top. Start with 6,5 mm crochet hook.

R1 – mr, ch3, 11 dc in the ring ( 12 st)

R2 – ch 3, FpDc in the same st,  *dc, Fpdc in the same st,* repeat(24 st)

R3 – R5 – ch3, *Fpdc, ch1, 2 dc behind Fpdc, sk 1 st,*  repeat,

R6 – R8 – ch3, *FpDc, 3 dc in ch1 space, sk 2 dc,* repeat

R9 – R12 – ch3, *FpDc, ch1, 4 dc in ch1 space, sk 3dc, * repeat


Brim:  swish to 6 mm crochet hook. 

R13 – Slst to the next st, ch3, dc in each st except the ch1 space. Make 50 dc.

R14 ch3 turn, *BpDc, FpDc*, dc

R15 – ch3, * FpDc, BpDc* repeat, dc

R16 – ch3, *BpDc, FpDc*, repeat, dc






ch41, sc in second ch ( 40 st), sc evenly in each st o the edge of the hat to reach another side.

Make 2 st in dc st. Make 41 ch for the other strig, sc in the second ch, slst.

To finish the hat add the pom-pom.

Happy crocheting!