Crochet summer striped top

Summer striped crochet top

I know, it’s not even spring, it is still cold, windy, freezing, and time for hot chocolate and good movies.

But when you see the sunshine your mind is already on a summer day and you can not wait! 

So now is the perfect time to think about what to wear when the weather gets better and also, because we looove to crochet so much, we can add some new pieces to our garderobe.

This lovely striped top is made with cotton yarn and I can tell, even the yarn is thin, it works well and fast. I am sure I will use this yarn again because for hot days is just perfect, light and airy.

Stitch Key: ch– chain, dc – double crochet, sc – single crochet, hdc – half double crochet, slst -slip stitch, 

Cross st – skip 1st ch, dc in next, dc in the skipped ch.

Dc decrease – make dc halfway, you have 2 loops on the hook, yarn over,  insert hook in the next stitch, yarn over, pull through 2 loops, yarn over pull through all loops – decrease.

The top is crochet in 2 pieces – front and back, from down up.

Materials: 100% natural cotton, 50g( 175 oz), 170m ( 186yds)

Beige – 150 g, pink – 50 g, lilac – 100g

Gauge: 4″ x 4″ (10 x 10 cm) 14 st x 9 rows

Crochet hook 4 mm, yarn needle, scissors.

Sizes: for the different sizes, make a sample and add or start with fewer stitches.  It has to be an odd number.

Finished measurement: 22″ long,  19″ wide


Back panel – start with beige yarnmake 74 ch

R1 – hdc in 2nd ch from hook, hdc in each ch ( 73), ch 1 turn

R2 – R3 – hdc in each ch ( 73)

R4 – dc in each ch (73), ch 3 turn

R5 – *skip 1 st, dc in next st, dc in the skipped stitch( cross st), dc*, repeat whole row, ch 3 turn

R6 – R46 – repeat R4, R5

Front panel:

Start with beige, 74 ch.

R1 – R35 – repeat same as the back panel. 

Color change: R1-R5 – beige, after 2-rows pink, 4 rows lilac – alternate, last 3 rows – beige.


R36 – with pink yarn make 31 dc, ch 1 turn

R37 – skip first st, ( decrease), alternate cross st , dc

R38 – purple yarn,  dc in each ch, 2 last dc decreases, ch 1 turn

R39 – skip first stitch( decrease), alternate cross stitch, and dc whole row. 

R40 – R46 – continue the same way of increasing in each row, until you have 21 dc left in the last row. also, alternate the pattern and color change.


For the other side of the neck opening, skip the 11 middle dc and start with pink yarn, make 31 dc. Continue the same way as the right side. 


For a better understanding watch the video on how to decrease the neck opening.

Finishing: Lay both panels on top of each other, with a yarn needle and cotton yarn sew the shoulders, leave 8 inches for arm opening, sew the sides right and left of the top, leave the 5 rows of the bottom open.

With lilac yarn crochet hdc around the neck opening and also around the armholes. Make hdc in each ch and 2 hdc in dc.

Enjoy your new summer top. Happy crocheting!