Flower Crochet Coaster


Ch – chain

Dc – double crochet

Slst – slip stitch

Sc – single crochet

Make chain 5 and with slip stitch in to the first chain join together to make a ring.

  1. Chain 3, dc in ring, ch1, 2dc, ch1, 2 dc, ch1, 2 dc, ch1, 2dc, ch1, 2 dc, ch1, 2dc, ch1 with slst join together. ( 14 dc in the ring)

2. Chain 3, make another dc just below the chain3, 2dcin the ch1 space from the previous row, 2ch, 2dc. In each chain 1 space from the previous row makes 2dc, ch2, 2dc, repeat – 28dc.

3. Chain 3, skip 1 chain, make sc, in chain 2 space from the previous row make 6dc, skip 2 chains, repeat, with a slip stitch join the row.

Now the crochet coaster is ready. Enjoy!