How to Crochet Granny Square

Granny square is the most common and favorite crochet pattern. It is very flexible and can be used in many different ways and projects. The possibilities are endless.


Ch – chain

Slst – slip stitch

DC – double crochet

Make 4 chains, insert a hook in the first chain and make a slip stitch to join in the ring.

1. Chain 3, make 2 dc in the ring, ch 2, dc 3, ch 2, dc 3, ch 2, dc 3, ch 2, ( 12 Dc) slip stitch in the first dc to join.

2. Chain 3, make 2 dc in the space ch2 from previous row, just bellow the chain 3., ch1, 3dc ch2, 3dc in the next corner, ch1, 3dc, ch2, 3dc , ch1, 3dc, ch2, 3dc, ch1, 3dc, ch2, with slst join the round.

3. Chain 3, make 2 dc in the corner next to chain 3, ch1, make 3dc in to the space ch1 from the previous row, ch1, 3dc, ch2, 3dc, ch1, 3dc in the ch1 space, ch1, 3dc, ch2, 3dc, ch1, 3dc in the ch1space, ch1, 3dc, ch2, 3dc, ch1, 3dc in the ch1 space, ch1, 3dc, ch2 join the round with slst.


Now you have one granny square. You can continue and make it as big as you like. You can also change the colors and join small granny squares together to make a blanket, or sweater, the bag…

Happy crocheting!